Here's a few things like a patent application I was part of. Some things I did on the computer that was all right for the time.
At least the 3D graphing was ahead of its time. They made me do it over, the "right" way.
I never heard what happened with the patent.
But A/Z-Tech went on to make dozens of the handheld units for the magnet wire industry.
It might take as long as three hours at 4.7MHz to draw the molecule shown here.
Here's a couple of machines I made back then for the Test lab.
The snapper was replicated throughout the Essex plants.
A few years ago at A/Z-Tech, I saw one that they wanted repaired. Still snapping after twenty years.
The AO Smith windability tester was never
duplicated that I know of.
I also made my own debugger. A DOS application with windows for different tasks. Called it Machine Monitor.